Decoding JSON from Headers, Query Parameters, and URL Parameters
Though we know headers, URL parameters, and query parameters will be received as a
or string[]
value, due to a limitation in api-ts, httpRequest
only accepts
codecs that decode values starting from the unknown
type. Consequently, decoding a
header, URL parameter, or query parameter with a codec like JsonFromString
, which can
only decode values typed as string
, will produce a error like:
Type 'Type<Json, string, string>' is not assignable to type 'Mixed'. Types of property 'validate' are incompatible. Type 'Validate<string, Json>' is not assignable to type 'Validate<unknown, any>'. Type 'unknown' is not assignable to type 'string'.
There's a straightforward pattern you can use when you have a value typed as unknown
but need to decode it with a codec that can only decode a narrower type. This pattern is
called codec chaining:
declare const JsonFromString: t.Type<Json, string, string>;declare const t.string: t.Type<string, string, unknown>;const myCodec: t.Type<Json, string, unknown> = t.string.pipe(JsonFromString);
Here, t.string
decodes a value from unknown
to string
, and then JsonFromString
decodes the same value from string
to Json
For example:
import * as t from 'io-ts';import { nonEmptyArray, JsonFromString, NumberFromString } from 'io-ts-types';import { httpRequest, optional } from '@api-ts/io-ts-http';// Define the Filter type for the JSON stringconst Filter = t.type({ category: t.string, tags: t.array(t.string), price: t.type({ min: t.number, max: t.number, }),});// Define the SearchRequest codecconst SearchRequest = httpRequest({ params: { userId: NumberFromString, }, query: { q: t.string, filter: t.string.pipe(JsonFromString).pipe(Filter), tags: nonEmptyArray(t.string), sort: optional(t.string), }, headers: { authorization: t.string, },});// Example request objectconst example = { params: { userId: '84938492', }, query: { q: 'test', filter: '{"category":"books","tags":["crypto","trading"],"price":{"min":10,"max":50}}', tags: ['tag1', 'tag2', 'tag3'], sort: 'price', }, headers: { authorization: 'Bearer token', },};// Decode the exampleconst decoded = SearchRequest.decode(example);if (decoded._tag === 'Right') { console.log(decoded); /* Expected decoded output { userId: 84938492, q: 'test', filter: { category: 'books', tags: ['crypto', 'trading'], price: { min: 10, max: 50 }, }, tags: ['tag1', 'tag2', 'tag3'], sort: 'price', authorization: 'Bearer token', }; */} else { console.error('Decoding failed:', decoded.left);}